People don't fear change, they fear uncertainty. Steven Covey
I'm one of those people who loves long as I'm the one who instigates and controls the change. Painting a room because I WANT to paint it; not because it has water damage and I HAVE to paint it. I think I get this from my grandfather. He used to drive my grandmother crazy rearranging the furniture on a monthly basis. He claimed it saved the carpet because it didn't allow traffic patterns to develop. I think that was only partly true. I think moving the furniture gave him a sense of control. Controlled change. When everything else in your life is spinning out of control making a controlled change, like moving furniture or painting a room, gives the illusion of control.
But, what is one to do when God whispers into our ear, I want you to change in this area my beloved. I would love to say I'm always compliant...Yes Lord! I'm on it. No problem. Unfortunately, more often than not I resist the change. It's not my idea and I will lose control. I dig my heels in and wait for God to speak a little louder, beloved, I really want you to change in this area. Ultimately, because I'm stubborn, God sometimes has to make me move rather than allowing me to move on my own (because the wait might be eternal).
Wait, but didn't God make me and mold me which would include my stubbornness? A friend recently posted on Facebook that her 2 year old was having her first tantrum and therefore was mad as a hornet. I inwardly smiled and told her our Zoe was that way. Thee perfect child and then one day a switch flipped and we all went, WHOA! I shared how that determination in Zoe has and will allow her to do great things in life, though. We need to channel that strong will towards good and positive things. So then, I thought, what about me? What do I need to do to channel my strong will? I need to be stubborn in my obedience to God rather than stubborn in my disobedience. And if I don't channel it? Then God as my heavenly Father will help channel it for me.
It's not easy. It will be the hardest work you do each day. But it will change how you think and it will change your heart, as well. So, what do I personally do to channel my strong will towards God? I ask myself what is God asking me to change today? Then I search my Bible for verses that deal with that specific thing. (ie forgiveness) Then, I set myself to task writing those verses down on 3 x 5 cards* - write them over and over again. Read them over and over again until the 18 inches between my heart and head have shared meaning and I can say with confidence; Thy word I have hidden in my heart that I might not sin against you. Ps 119:11.