Monday, December 12, 2011

The 12 Days of Conflict, er, I mean 12 Days of Christmas

The last several years I’ve noticed I’ve really started to dislike the Christmas season. Not just dislike or disdain, but really loathe the season … like the Grinch. It used to be my favorite holiday. My Christmas newsletter would be put together and mailed by December 1st. Christmas shopping? Often done by November. What happened? What happened that makes me cringe when the month of December approaches? As an analytical thinker, I decided to research what was going on in my heart and head and see if I could come up with a logical answer. My findings might surprise you.
Wanting to really enjoy this Christmas season, and enjoy it for the right reasons, I decided to write about the 12 Days of Conflict, I mean The Twelve Days of Christmas. Not just conflict with family members during the holiday but also conflict that is stirring within me because of my humanness. I am not perfect—I cannot please everyone, or make all the right decisions. How do I deal with the inner conflict within myself? As I journey, what can I do to assuage the grief that comes with my imperfections as they arise, and can I minimize the effect on those around me that I love?
Over the next twelve days, I will be visiting the many issues that seem to come up during the holiday seasons. Getting even—expectations—tender relationships—verbal fights—judging others—forgiving someone—and that filter between the brain and mouth that occasionally doesn’t work, just to name a few. I discovered there are exactly 12 issues…okay, there are probably a few more, but in the interest of history, I will keep it to the 12 Days of Conflict, I mean the 12 Days of Christmas.
Join me as I think through issues in my life. I don’t know you personally, but I suspect we are all a lot more alike than we are different. Feel free to let me know how your journey is progressing.
I can’t wait to get started! Tomorrow, 12 Krispy Kremes….

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