Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Day Five of Lent-The Tree

I was sitting with the window open today as a slight breeze ventured inside and brought the sweet smell of spring as well as a memory back to me.

We lived 2 blocks from St. Theresa school and therefore many a day I found myself over playing on the playground by myself. There was this giant tree in the back corner where the kindergartners would play. Somehow I figured out to climb ¾ of the way to the top. Back then, it seemed the tree was 20 stories high... I'm sure it was probably closer to 20 feet. I loved when kids saw me up in the tree and wondered how on earth I'd gotten up there. It was a place for me to go that no one else could. A place to go where I could forget about the worries in my life and just daydream. It was a place I could be myself and no one would judge me.

There were two people in life I showed how to maneuver climbing the tree so they could join me in my private paradise. My brother, Nathan, was one of the people. He's been gone for 12 years this June. I wonder if he ever thought how we would talk for hours sandwiched in between forked branches so that we wouldn't fall. I don't remember what we talked about but looking back I find it ironic that the one place I felt safe in life was a place that could have been so dangerous. They say if a person falls twice their height there will likely be broken bones. I was definitely over the limit.

As an adult I am trying to figure out where I go for my safe and happy place. I know I must have a place because I still get hurt feelings when people misjudge me. I still need time to think about life~what I want to do with the time I have left and how I desire to make an impact on those around me—I know today one of the happy places I found today was having our 2 week old puppy fall asleep on my chest while rubbing the ears of her momma while she nursed the rest of the gang. Tomorrow will be welcoming and holding my baby girl when she comes home after being in DC for a week. Perhaps each day holds it's own safe moments confirming the statement that home is where the heart is.

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