Schools have this tradition of having Talent Shows to showcase their talented students and unfortunately, their not so talented students.
One year that St. Theresa had one such showcase of talent my friends and I had decided to write a play. Well, let me rephrase...my friends and I did a short play for the talent show and I was the one that wrote the play. Having been a sickly child from many bouts of tonsillitis I was home many a day watching TV. Gilligan's Island was one of my favorite shows so I wrote a little vignette based on Gilligan's Island. I remember Alan Bray played Gilligan. I can't remember who else joined our motley crew but I know I still have the program up in the attic. I have this terrible obsession with keeping things. Not ALL things just things that have special significance to me. Birthday cards from my childhood, for as long as I can remember, up until my last birthday. Not just any card...just the ones people took the time to actually write something other than their name inside.
A year or so ago I found the program. Being a sucker for taking a walk down memory lane, I opened it up and read through the skit. My lands! How anyone sat through our performance without laughing hysterically at our pathetic attempt I'll never know. I bet you can guess the ending of the performance, though? Yes, Gilligan messes up their rescue attempt once again.
I suppose writing a play that bombed might be better than the dance performance I tried my hand at the year before. I remember Eric Rouna encouraging me when I was so wrought with stage fright~just imagine the audience is in their underwear. I didn't know if that was allowed going to a Catholic school and all!
One must not forget the time we were all in the play Wizard of Oz. I was one of the munchkins. I really wanted to be Dorothy...even back then I had high expectations for myself and was shattered when things didn't go my way. I have that program, too. Perhaps to remind myself that life doesn't always happen the way you desire it to happen. But, that's okay. I wouldn't be the person I am today but for the things that make up the history of my life. So today, be thankful for even the painful things in your life knowing without them, you wouldn't be who you are today.
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