This morning as we were leaving the restaurant, I grabbed a few packets of raw sugar off our table. Then I grabbed a few off the table next to us. Then, as I started to grab a few off the third table Tim grabbed my arm and suggested maybe I do have a problem with kleptomania and asked if stealing sugar packets would be my story for today.
I decided to refrain from sharing another story of my failures and instead turn a corner in my road of reminiscing to sharing about one of my favorite teachers at St. Theresa school: Ms. Rosalee Biros. Ms. Biros was an amazing woman who played the ukulele in class while singing such songs as Tiny Bubbles or Lord of the Dance. As we all insisted she couldn't possibly have gray hair she admitted to us she used Lady Clairol to help her stay younger looking!
Ms. Biros always had an encouraging word for anyone she met. I never once heard her raise her voice and believe you me, she had ample opportunity with us 6th graders. When she enveloped you in a hug you got lost in her embrace. Not just because she was a rather large woman but mainly because she was larger than life in personality.
Several years ago I stumbled upon her obituary. Call it fate or call it God sending me a message I was just so grateful I was able to see the announcement and able to attend her memorial service. I wasn't the only student of hers that loved her dearly. May we all live in a way this next week that would emulate the life of Ms. Biros~bringing joy and encouragement to those around us in life we come into contact with.
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