Monday, March 21, 2011

Day Eleven of Lent-Rainy Days

Today is a rainy day. I love rainy days, when it's warm. But, it's not warm today. It's very cold and on the verge of snowing. Occasionally the sky spits a few snow flakes momentarily and then goes back to the freezing sleet.

When I was younger I loved rainy days, as well. One summer day when the monsoons were diligently watering the miles and miles of grass in Phoenix, Nathan and I decided to use our imaginations and be a bit adventurous. We made these funny little boats and attempted to float them in the gutters in the street. After awhile we were bored so we headed to a preschool located down the street that had a fabulous playground. There was a wooden deck that resembled something like an aircraft carrier that could be our boat. There were swings and also amazing rubber tires that you could play leap frog jumping from one to the other. We spent hours there that day that summer. I can't remember exactly what we 'played' but I find it interesting I remember that particular day more than the others. What about our memory allows us to remember a day playing in the rain on Wednesday but not remember the other 6 days that week? Certainly is wasn't playing with my brother because I did that most every other day of the week. I can say with confidence it wasn't because we got in trouble because it was one of the days we didn't get in trouble! Was it the mere fact we created something together—working on a common goal together that cemented the memory?

I don't have the answer to the question. I wish I did. For if I did, I would do whatever it took each day to cement each and every memory into this brain of mine. Because, truly, when we die we take nothing with us and only leave behind the memories we've made with the loved ones we have around us. What will your friends and family remember about you? What will they remember about me? Are we doing things each day that are significant enough to engrave a memory in their lives they will remember in years to come?

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